Everything changes and web design trends are not exempted. Web design trends come and go and this is particularly true within the fast-paced web design industry. There are some trends that are too old that they need to be replaced as holding on to them will just put you behind the competition. What are the web design trends for this year? Read on.
Web Design Trends 2014
Responsive Web Design: This trend truly has an impact on your current website. This is a design which adjusts or adapts based on the screen size of the user. Having a responsive web design is very important because users are using different devices. Regardless of the device being used, a site with a responsive design will surely fit in the device so that it will look great.
Interactive: Instead of just using pure texts, why don’t you add images? Better yet, use infographics. This had helped a lot of websites become popular during the past few years. However, it is also important to make your infographics interactive. Making them interactive is a great way of making them more functional. You can also extend interactive infographics by making your site a huge interactive infographic.
Video Content: Placing videos on your site is also one of the web design trends that you should consider. You can use a video as a background or you can also use it instead of writing long articles. Making a video is much easier and not so time consuming when compared to writing long articles. Also, it makes a website more attractive. And, users can truly save time because it will just take them a minute or so to watch a video compared to reading an entire page or article which can take several minutes.
Typography Mix and Match: Using a single type and size of font will make your site boring. Therefore, it is also important to use different fonts with different sizes. You can also use interactive typography for your site to become more interactive. It is important though not to overdo this mix and match thing as it will appear that you have used every font available.
Parallax: This is a good choice when you want to put a 3D effect on your website. This is a design which is described as a “scrolling technique that helps in conjuring the illusion of the depth of field to the user”. With this, the depth, movement and 3D illusions can be enhanced.
These web design trends are important considerations when it comes to creating a website. Along with them, it is also important to hire a web designer to create the website you want. We have great web designers at eSearch Marketing, whether you are in San Diego or in another location. For free consultation, call us at (619) 357-4120.